11:48 AMIndia Film Project

In an age where film making has become hobby more than a profession, Ahmedabad Film Project emerged as a platform that gave a chance to the amateur film makers to try their hands into film making  and showcase their skills and get rewarded.

The first step towards the journey was taken in the year 2011 which saw participation from more than 600 film makers from all across India, with the youngest participant of just 8 years and the eldest being 71 years.

The competition was flagged off by the renowned bollywood director Mr Sanjay Gadhvi on August 19th, 2011 and the participants were given just 48 hours to make the best possible film adhering to the competition theme,’ Small Things Around You’. This was followed by the screening of the films which were judged by the renowed film makers Mr Ashish Kakkad, Mr Sanjeev Shah and Jay Thakkar, from Gujarat.  And some of the amazing amateur movie makers were discovered who were later rewarded for their work.

By the success of the event we became sure that the first step we took was on the right path and the journey should continue and should be taken to a next level in the upcoming  year.

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